Machine Learning projects

Machine Learning projects

Tech stack: python

Year: 2020

A couple of machine learning projects I made

What this is

I have 2 machine learning reports in my Github, so I put both of them here. These were my assignments for my Machine Learning class in 2020.

1. YouTube Video Classifier

source code

This project's goal is to predict what category a YouTube video belongs to based on its description. I used 5 different classifier models (K-Nearest Neighbor, Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Random Forest and Support Vector Machine) and compared them together to see which one has the best accuracy.

2. Waste Classifier

source code

In this project, I aimed to classify different type of waste (organic/recyclable) from the dataset. Unlike the previous project, this project uses images as input, so my approach is a bit different from the previous one. I still start with a simpler approach with K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), simply flattening the images into arrays to use as inputs, but I also used Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and compared the results.

Compared to the first project, I also have trained the models with different variables (such as different number of neighbors for KNN), and show how the results vary.

Why it's made

I have been interested in Machine Learning for a long while before taking the ML class, but I never was really able to learnt it. My team leaders from both of my previous internships (Fablab Hanoi and Vinple) have asked me to learnt Machine Learning before, but I never got far in either time. Hence, when I saw that there was a free elective course about Machine Learning, I registered for it as fast as I could.

Even though Machine Learning was not related to my work interest and I never intended to go deeper with it, I still had a lot of fun learning about the topic and making the projects.