

Tech stack: node.js, discord.js

Year: 2021

Source code

A simple discord bot that handles club management.

What this is

Cornflower allows the server admins to create and manage clubs for their members. Members can join any club that they are interested in, or leave a club they are in easily. Server admins can also assign club presidents who can manage members of their own club.

Cornflower is designed to be as simple as possible and does not use any external database for storage. Instead, it uses Discord roles to manage club members.

Cornflower used to be hosted in, but as I do not use it anymore, it now only exists as a repository.


  • Get list of bot commands or a command info with c?help
  • Get list of server clubs with c?clubs
  • Join a club with c?join [clubName]
  • Leave a club with c?leave [clubName]
  • (admin) Create a club with c?create [clubName]
  • (admin) Delete a club with c?delete [clubName]
  • (admin) Set a member as club president with c?president [user] [clubName]
  • (admin/president) Temporarily mute a member from a club with c?tempmute [user] [time] [clubName]
  • (admin/president) Mute a member from a club with c?mute [user] [clubName]
  • (admin/president) Unmute a member from a club with c?unmute [user] [clubName]
  • Ban a member from a club: TODO

Why it's made

A server owner friend of mine was expressing interests on a club feature as described for their server, as the number of channels on the server keeps increasing, and there are also more channels about topics that the members are interested in, but works better as an opt-in channel rather than a main one. They also want to be able to assign club presidents to manage the club channels so as to reduce work on the server admins, but also do not necessarily trust them enough to give them admin permissions. As Discord's base features could not solve these issues, I collaborated with another friend of mine make a bot that can do so.

The server owner did not end up needing the feature since there were less new topics that's worth making a channel for, and since Discord introduced threads, which also helps with managing the channels. Still, I was able to learn quite a bit with this experience